Moving An Organisation To Embrace A High-Performance Culture
175 movers and shakers from Construction group Bouygues’ UK division collaborated to cause a culture change movement. This ‘ByExample’ group learnt why culture matters, explored Bouygues’ current and desired future culture, and began to work on closing the gaps to achieve success.
We worked in collaboration with our specialist change partner to create this milestone event as part of an ongoing 2 year programme. Working with the Human Synergistics’s Circumplex model, our participants were able to explore the behaviours which enabled or disabled the desired culture, and then in world cafe workshops, worked together to begin the journey of enabling change.
- Programme and experience design
- Workshop design and materials
- Creative themeing & behaviour illustration
- Collaboration with change management partners on experience design
- Innovative Venue resourcing and management
- Creative environment to listen and collaborate
- Immersive projection and staging techniques to enhance the experience