Enabling The International Marketing Community To Make Elephants Fly!
This 2 day session with 40 marketing leaders explored every facet of innovation – why is it ‘hard’? Why is risk taking essential to innovation? What part does failure play, and how can we take calculated risks in an environment of compliance?
Through a series of cognitive and experiential sessions on day 1, the team explored the psychology and physiology of innovation: outcomes-based thinking, stepping out of our comfort zone, celebrating ‘failure’, embracing a beginners mind and asking ‘Why?’.
Day 2 was spent exploring the company’s heritage of innovation and the game-changing innovations on the horizon, at an expo at the company’s R&D site.
- Creating a physical environment conducive to innovation; creating psychological safety for the audience to try out new things
- Innovative event theme
- Development of event programme with hands-on experiences to practise innovation
- Co-creation of workshop content with psychology experts in innovation and growth mindset
- Venue sourcing, management and guest logistics
- Sourcing guest contributors
- Creation of innovation expo environment
- Post event campaign to embed learnings and encourage innovative behaviours
- Stakeholder engagement to enhance collaboration and relatedness with different parts of the client business